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Implementing the Workshop Model in Gifted Education Classrooms

If you are a general education teacher, chances are that you have a wide array of students in your classroom. Gifted, special ed, RTI, 504 - you name it, a child in your class is in that subgroup. Educating these students can feel DAUNTING. How can I possibly reach all 25 students at their own, ... READ the POST

Gifted Students and Overexcitability

Raise your hand if you've ever had a gifted student in your care who is routinely excited, sensitive, and intense. His or her emotions run high, almost all day, and their social-emotional life can be an extreme rollercoaster. You, my dear teacher friend, have met a student with an ... READ the POST

The Truth Behind Gifted Pullout Services

In my last post in this series, I talked about the idea of how we service gifted students across the country. One of the methods for organizing gifted education is different than the others, so I saved the concept of gifted pullout services to have its own post. There's a lot of hype and ... READ the POST

Happy Teachers

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