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Implementing the Workshop Model in Gifted Education Classrooms

If you are a general education teacher, chances are that you have a wide array of students in your classroom. Gifted, special ed, RTI, 504 - you name it, a child in your class is in that subgroup. Educating these students can feel DAUNTING. How can I possibly reach all 25 students at their own, ... READ the POST

Gifted Students and Overexcitability

Raise your hand if you've ever had a gifted student in your care who is routinely excited, sensitive, and intense. His or her emotions run high, almost all day, and their social-emotional life can be an extreme rollercoaster. You, my dear teacher friend, have met a student with an ... READ the POST

Educators of Gifted Kids: My Three Wishes

This post is specifically for elementary educators of gifted students, but everyone can benefit from this conversation!When I was a brand-new teacher, I remember getting my class lists and seeing a "G" next to a few of my students' names. I had no idea what that G stood for. Great? Gargantuan? Goal? ... READ the POST

The Truth Behind Gifted Pullout Services

In my last post in this series, I talked about the idea of how we service gifted students across the country. One of the methods for organizing gifted education is different than the others, so I saved the concept of gifted pullout services to have its own post. There's a lot of hype and ... READ the POST

Why I Don’t Give My Gifted Students “More” Work

In today's educational world, gifted education comes in many forms: inclusion, cluster grouping and pull out are the three most common models. They vary widely across the nation due to the funding structure of gifted education. Most states do not require schools to service gifted students. {Ohio, ... READ the POST

The Social-Emotional Needs of Gifted Learners

Have you ever taught a child who is easily frustrated by assignments in your class? Perhaps they are frustrated because the content is too easy, or perhaps they are frustrated because you are challenging them and they're not used to that. Either way, the social-emotional needs of a gifted learner ... READ the POST

Happy Teachers