


Hey there, my Upper Elementary teacher friends!

(Yes, that includes you fabulous Special Education and Specials teachers!)

Enhance the mental health and happiness of your classroom.

You’re already doing a great job in the classroom. You care about your kids, you are a rockstar differentiator, and you know that our students’ mental health and safety come first. 

I’d love to help you take things up a notch with tried-and-true strategies that help all kids thrive, especially those who need the most social and emotional help. 

Together, let’s learn about the impact of trauma and implement trauma-informed teaching strategies to create healthier classrooms that benefit your kids AND you!



Each one of these kids used to be in my classroom. And like me, you’ve tried everything to help these kids thrive in your classroom by finding peace and happiness.

  • You stay calm in your classroom when a kid loses their self-control, but nothing seems to work.

  • You have practiced routines and procedures repeatedly, but you still have kids shouting out in class.

  • You build strong relationships with your kids, but you have one or two kids who say they hate you.

  • You’ve taught kids about being kind and empathetic, but you still have kids who get in physical fights during the day.

All of these behaviors are trauma responses. Trauma exists in your classroom. And while it seems overwhelming, you can do something about it!


  • You greet your students by name each morning before jumping into academics, and your behaviors have significantly decreased.
  • You spend 1:1 time with the student who is withdrawn, and she’s working harder in class and wants to talk to you and her peers more.
  • You work with your kids who fight to use other methods of calming down, and while a fight still occurs now and again, the frequency of their physical behaviors has sharply decreased.
  • You know that “defiant” behaviors are really a cry for help or for a need to be met, and you’re equipped to help respond to those behaviors in a needs-centered way.
  • Your kid that is leaving the classroom to calm down now has a planned exit strategy so you and other adults in the building know where she is if she needs to leave your classroom.

Guess what?! These are all social-emotional and trauma-informed strategies!! Look at you go!

I’d love to help you get to this place in your own classroom, where your stress is decreased and your knowledge of student needs creates strong emotional links between you and your students.


Hear what they had to say about the course!

I can't believe how much value I got out of this course! I am definitely ready to work my kids in a trauma-informed way. Thanks for being our cheerleader!

- Melissa H.

Hey there,

I know what's like to be in a classroom with several student needs that you don't quite know how to support.

I get it, I was there once...

But the good news is... that doesn't have to be you!

I'm Here To Help!


You feel like you've lost control of your classroom management.

Let me show you how to identify behaviors as trauma responses rather than defiance. Once you understand what's driving those challenging behaviors, you'll know exactly how to respond.

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You're exhausted from breaking up fights, despite teaching kindness daily.

I've developed specific strategies that have dramatically reduced fights in my classroom. I'll teach you exactly how to help students regulate their emotions before they escalate.


You're overwhelmed trying to support every student's emotional needs.

You don't have to figure this out alone. I'll give you a clear framework for managing student needs, plus connect you with a supportive community of teachers who get it.


You know SEL matters but can't find time in your packed schedule.

I'll show you how to blend SEL into your regular lessons in just minutes a day - no separate time block needed.

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You worry about overstepping when helping traumatized students.

You'll learn exactly where your power lies as a teacher to support trauma-affected students, with clear professional boundaries.


  • You greet your students by name each morning before jumping into academics, and your behaviors have significantly decreased.
  • You spend 1:1 time with the student who is withdrawn, and she’s working harder in class and wants to talk to you and her peers more.
  • You work with your kids who fight to use other methods of calming down, and while a fight still occurs now and again, the frequency of their physical behaviors has sharply decreased.
  • You know that “defiant” behaviors are really a cry for help or for a need to be met, and you’re equipped to help respond to those behaviors in a needs-centered way.
  • Your kid that is leaving the classroom to calm down now has a planned exit strategy so you and other adults in the building know where she is if she needs to leave your classroom.

Guess what?! These are all social-emotional and trauma-informed strategies!! Look at you go!

I’d love to help you get to this place in your own classroom, where your stress is decreased and your knowledge of student needs creates strong emotional links between you and your students.

See What's Inside

Trauma Informed Teaching Lens Mockup

The Trauma-Informed Teaching Lens

A course with a built-in framework for how to identify, and respond to, trauma in the classroom. You can provide support to your students without burning yourself out.

The Trauma-Informed Teaching Lens

A course with a built-in framework for how to identify, and respond to, trauma in the classroom. You can provide support to your students without burning yourself out.

This program has 9 weeks of full support from me through the use of a Facebook Group, as well as Group Coaching (extra fees apply).

You’ll have lifetime access to all of the modules, videos, workbooks, and resources.

Inside the program, you’ll learn the PACE Framework to intervene with students who are demonstrating emotional needs in the classroom. I’ll help you confidently navigate the trauma that your students experience.

PACE Process Map


I get it. There are a lot of reasons that SEL and Trauma-Informed Teaching don’t get all of the love they should. That’s why I created this course!

  • Trauma-informed teaching isn’t a block of time. It’s a lens through which we view behaviors. And it’s easier than you think.

  • Trauma-informed teaching is effective in reducing traumatic responses in your classroom and giving you more time to connect with your kids and teach them.

  • Trauma-informed teaching is a key element to helping our students self-regulate, even if they’re not experiencing trauma!

  • You are powerful as an educator, and you can do more trauma-informed work in the classroom than you give yourself credit for.


What My Students Are Saying...

This is an easy-to-use and helpful course to be sure we are meeting the SEL and Trauma needs in our classrooms. I especially love that Mikey listened to us and made/added to make the resource even better!

-Melissa G.

One of the best purchases I have made. I love how the first part of this kit is so in depth and gives valuable tips for incorporating SEL into the classroom. This is especially useful for those beginning SEL or their teaching career. Very comprehensive and helpful.

-Janis T.

You've Got Questions... I've Got Answers!

I'm a classroom teacher. This is really for me?

Absolutely!! School counselors, mental health therapists, and other similar roles in schools have their place for sure. However, teachers can be super impactful when they understand trauma and how to help students regulate themselves.

Is this really only for Upper Elementary teachers?

My experience and lens of focus in on Grades 3-6 kiddos. However, most of this course can be applied to all grade levels. While the focus is on Upper Elementary, if you're not in that grade band, you're more than welcome to join us!!! We're a fun group and we don't bite (hard).

What if I don't teach Gen Ed?

These strategies work for all specialists, not just Gen Ed teachers. If you teach Music, Art, STEM, Physical Education, Gifted, or Intervention... this course will work for you!

How long does this course take? Is this really doable?

This course is laid out so that you have two weeks to complete each module (4 modules, 8 weeks total). However, you have lifetime access to this course, so you can go at your own pace!

Each module and lesson that we cover in this course is meant to be simple and straightforward. There are many things you can implement tomorrow in your classroom!

I’m Mikey

As a classroom teacher with 19 years of experience in the upper elementary grades, I have tons of experience dealing with the social and emotional needs of children. It’s the thing people in my building {and on social media} ask me about!

I help upper elementary teachers become trauma-informed practitioners for their students so that every human in the classroom feels calm, valued, and ready to learn.

I became so passionate about this because I’ve seen so many kids grow and excel in my classroom thanks to SEL and Trauma-Informed Teaching. Lives have been changed, I’m less burned out as a teacher, and I saw the desperate needs our kids had. I want to help other teachers find the same experiences and outcomes that I found through integrating SEL and Trauma-Informed Practices into their classrooms.

MikeyDTeach hey yall

What all do you teach, Mikey?

Trauma Informed Teaching Lens Mockup


Module 1 – The Base: Social-Emotional Learning
✅ Self-reflect on your understanding of behaviors and trauma.
✅ Understand SEL competencies and how they relate to trauma responses.
✅ Learn how to reframe your thoughts about student behavior to be connection-based instead of attention-seeking or defiance.

Module 2 – The Scaffolds: Trauma-Informed Teaching
✅ Understand what trauma is and how trauma is different for each individual person.
✅ Understand how trauma affects the brain.
✅ Understand why students respond to trauma in ways that they do.

Module 3 – Student-Centered Interventions
✅ Learn simple, effective interventions that all of your students can use.
✅ Create plans for Tier 1 interventions (all students) as well as Tier 2 interventions (for students who are demonstrating more needs).
✅ Find your power in being able to help kids, while simultaneously understanding when (and why) it’s time to bring in our counselor or social worker.

Module 4 – Teacher-Led Interventions
✅ Create and implement plans for your Tier 3 students, who are demonstrating extreme needs.
✅ Understand that not all interventions work for all kids, but you will find the secret sauce for all kids to get the help they need.

Included with this course is access to a private Facebook community where we can gather, ask questions, share our learning, and find our strength for our kids.

Trauma Course Visual


To help you become a trauma-informed educator, you'll also get access to:

  1. Case studies of students who needed a trauma-informed education, and how I used The PACE Method to find what worked best for them to regulate their trauma responses.

  2. A recorded webinar about how to overcome time constraints when integrating social-emotional learning in your classroom.

  3. A huge list of interventions that you can use in the heat of the moment when a child is in crisis mode.

  4. Access to a list of 40+ picture books that are great for SEL and trauma-informed education in the classroom.


I’m so confident you’ll love this program that I’ll give you 14 days to try it out. If you’re not completely satisfied after you’ve completed at least one module, I’ll refund the money, no questions asked. Simply email su*****@mi*********.com.

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© Mikey Sivert | All Rights Reserved | Mikey D Teach