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Fish in a Tree Theme Activities – Novel Study – Guided Notes – Graphic Organizer


Fish in a Tree Theme Activities


Fish in a Tree is a GREAT novel with tons of content that lends itself to your classroom! In this novel, there are a ton of themes that exist! Help your students understand theme with this awesome resource.

This resource is a kit that helps your students explore the concept of theme. This resource is filled with anchor charts, guided tools to discover a theme, and scaffolding for students who need help identifying a theme. It includes lessons differentiating between topic and theme as well.

In this kit, students will be exposed to TWENTY themes from the book Fish in a Tree. Using the guided tools and the text for evidence, they explain why a certain theme exists in the novel. The topics each theme will stem from include perseverance, grit, friendship, uniqueness, and more.

Fish in a Tree Theme Activities cover

Fish in a Tree Theme Activities – Novel Study – Guided Notes – Graphic Organizer
